Data tips and Quick Look to inspect a variable by hovering your mouse over code while debugging Open Quickly to instantly open any file within your project Refactoring to modify the structure of Swift, Objective-C, C, and C++ code Animations built using simple commands that describe the action you want to see Preview SwiftUI code or UIKit interfaces in different screen sizes, orientations, and font sizes Design canvas to graphically build UI views using the library of controls and modifiers SwiftUI and Interface Builder to design your interface Source control navigator and service integrations to manage code across a team Live issues to display errors as you type and Fix-its to improve your code with just a click Split editors to show previews or choose an assistant to see related content View debugging to show a 3D stack of all your app's UI view layers at runtime Playgrounds for experimenting and interacting with Swift code SwiftUI framework to create user interfaces with a declarative Swift syntax
Swift programming language that is safe, fast, and modern